Thursday, May 15, 2008
Paris to marry Benji
A parody of a news item concerning Paris Hilton being engaged to Benji Madden has made it on the scene and seems to be delighting Paris Hilton Fans and anti-Paris followers alike. The article is known as Paris Hilton to wed Benji. I find the article amusing, but not overly so.

I followed this article across the net from Jack Humphrey's Friday Morning Traffic Report (article: If You Don't Think Social Marketing Tactics Works, Look At This) to Searchles (Paris Hilton to wed Benji) to Digg (Paris Hilton And Benji Overjoyed With Upcoming Wedding). It seems to be appearing everywhere! I have to admit, the picture of Paris and Benji is cute!

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Gopher Digg

Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Your Might Be A Digger if....
You might be a Digger if you ….

10) …submit stories to Digg and then compulsively check how many Diggs every 30 seconds.

9) …chronicly complain, or bury, articles requiring the use of more than 3 brain cells to understand.

8) …think Celebrity Gossip and submissions like “The World’s Biggest Wad Of Spit” are actually newsworthy articles.

7) …bookmarked Digg on your cell phone, so you can check it when away from your computer for more than 30 seconds.

6) …made Kevin Rose a friend thinking he is actually going to friend you back.

5) ...think a conversation consists of 3 lines: One mentioning the topic, one of praising Digg and one praising Kevin Rose.

4) …think the news items from Digg actually reached Digg before it hit the mainstream media.

3) …think digging posts that you never read, and may not understand, is the way to be "informed".

2) …Digg more often than you check your E-mail.

… and the number 1 answer:

You might be a Digger if you think it is better to post 20 shouts containing 5 urls each, than one shout containing 50 URLs.

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